Top results in executive search are only possible with sound industry knowledge. That's why we only work in industries where we have excellent know-how thanks to our many years of dedication.
These are:
In the area of BOARD CONSULTANCY we provide mandate holders for advisory and supervisory boards.
Werb Consulting works primarily for clients in German-speaking countries. The company is licensed in Switzerland as a consultancy for domestic and cross-border personnel recruitment. Unlike in Germany, where the profession of personnel consultant is not protected, executive search companies in Switzerland are subject to a strict licensing procedure. This prevents the market from being flooded with unqualified resume brokers like in Germany.
Fahrstuhl an die Spitze
Entlassungen und Stellenstreichungen sind selbst in einem stabilen Arbeitsmarkt betriebliche Realität. Andreas Werb empfiehlt Führungskräften und Unternehmen, Umbruchphasen für eine Standortbestimmung und Neuausrichtung zu nutzen.
“Top Magazin” sprach mit dem erfolgreichen Personalberater über Karrieren in Krisenzeiten.
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Stählistr. 11
8280 Kreuzlingen | Switzerland
Tel.: +41 71-5880105